
So there's this new guy - Nothing More Than A Thought

Hi people. I'm back, after a temporary absence. I'd like to point out that even from my first post, I said that there wouldn't be a regular post schedule. For times such as now, seeing as I now don't have to give reasons for my leave. But still. There's this new guy on the block. His blog name is Nothing More Than A Thought.  If I were you, I'd go check it out at: Annoyingly, his blog name is really innovative. Not only am I surprised that the domain was unused, but I'm also surprised he had the intellectual capacity to think of such a name. The real reason I'm writing this post is because I suppose I know this guy. I have not been paid to advertise him, (unfortunately,)  but I decided to do so out of the goodness of my heart. His name is Ryan, and I thought I'd try and give him a head start in the blogging business. Although I found viewers relatively quickly and easily, (although this still...

A Lonely Cow - Rest in Peace

The population of Coney Island, Singapore, are greatly saddened following the reported death of 'The Cow' earlier this week. Coney Island is an island located off the North-Eastern coast of Singapore, alternatively known as Pulau Serangoon. It is relatively small, consisting of only 133 hectares, equivalent to roughly 130 international rugby pitches. 'The Cow' was somewhat of a legend upon Coney Island, and was the only wild cow roaming free on the island. How the cow got to the island is a mystery amongst the locals   and authorities alike. The most common theory is that the cow 'wandered in' after dam crossings were built on the island, but no-one can be sure seeing as there have been no reports of a lost cow, making this cow's presence entirely mysterious. Due to the island being opened as Singapore's newest national park last year, there has been a dramatic increase in tourism to the island, all hoping to see the treasured cow....

Higher Supermarket Prices - Who Pays for Brexit?

Favourite household brands such as Marmite, Comfort, Dove and Flora could be increasing in price because of Brexit I'm really not going to get too much into Brexit this article, as I went into reasonable detail on my post yesterday, which you can check out on my blog. However, naturally this topic requires a little background information on Brexit to give some contextual knowledge. Brexit, otherwise known as British Exit, is the result of the British referendum on whether to leave the EU or not, back in July. Coming as a shock to quite a lot of people, the British people decided to leave the EU with a majority of 51.9% voting in favour of leave. Naturally, this has taken a toll on the value and strength of the pound, making it more expensive for foreign companies to import goods into the UK.  One of the biggest questions surrounding our split from the EU:  Who is going to pay for Brexit? This question is really at the heart of this story. According to Wikipedia,...

"Shambolic Tory Brexit" - Are we getting the right deal for the UK?

Jeremy Corbyn questions how Theresa May is dealing with the negotiations regarding our split with the EU. 'Brexit' has been one of the main topic of conversations in the UK and to a certain extent, throughout the whole World for the past few months. 'Brexit' itself is what the vote for Britain to withdraw from the European Union became commonly known as after the vote. The vote took place in June of this year, and at the time was ridiculed by some of the public, and was thought that the majority of the public would never vote for us to leave the EU. This was even backed up by the polls which took place prior to the vote itself, with most polls indicating about 52% of the population wanting to remain in the EU, when in the actual vote itself 51.9% voted NOT to remain in the EU. Slightly off topic, but I feel this shows the unreliability of polls quite well, as people can still be influenced by external factors, all the way to the minute that they vote. The remai...

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 CATCHES FIRE ON PLANE

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Catches Fire... Again I've tried to hold off on this story until it drew to a close... and that seems to finally have happened. If you don't understand what on Earth I'm talking about, the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 has been having some trouble since it entered production on the 19th August this year.   And by trouble, I mean big trouble. Ever since the phone was put into production, there were issues. This was affirmed by Samsung themselves on the 31st August when they said that shipments of the device were being delayed because of "additional tests being conducted for product quality."   If anyone was in any doubt what this statement meant, they weren't in doubt for long. This delay in shipments of the device came alongside thousands of reports of batteries exploding whilst charging the device, causing smoke and, in some extreme cases, fire.  This didn't seem to deter people from using the device, however. That is, until it ...


There's actually going to be a song about Harambe?! If you've been living under a rock for the past 5 months, you may not have heard about Harambe. Harambe was a gorilla at Cincinnati Zoo when after a 3 year old child climbed into his enclosure on May 28th, a zoo worker shot and killed Harambe.  You wouldn't have thought that this was particularly a big deal, but Harambe went on to be one of the biggest internet sensations that there has been for years, to the point where he can now be considered a 'meme'. (Not even going to bother explaining meme, if you don't know, either look it up or too bad.)  But now, when the media and attention around Harambe is finally dying down after 5 months since Harambe was shot, a famous rapper has decided that we can't let this gorilla rest in peace. Nicki Minaj, a famous rapper, shared this on Twitter: After this gained sufficient interest in people, she proceeded to tweet the tracklist on this surprise ...

Update on Hurricane Matthew - More Deaths for the USA.

I've decided to give you people a relatively early morning update on Hurricane Matthew seeing as I didn't get to do one yesterday due to some 'unfortunate circumstances'. Quite unsurprisingly, the figures from Haiti have got even worse. From the 842 we knew of a couple of days ago, the official figure has now risen to 'at least 877'. I have no need to tell you that this really isn't good, as despite them being a LEDC, we must've been able to do something to prepare them or tell them so they were able to prepare for themselves. I'm no expert on their communications, or how easy it would've been for us to warn the majority of the population in advance, but it seems to me that a lot of people didn't know it was coming and therefore had very little time to evacuate or prepare, (even though they may not have had many places to evacuate to.) I included a quote in my post two days ago, which could be considered shocking to some people as it q...